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New Year, New You! Physical Well-Being

Writer: The Wallpe Chiropractic & Wellness TeamThe Wallpe Chiropractic & Wellness Team

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

Welcome to 2018! It is amazing how fast this past year has gone by. Time is something we literally have no control over no matter how hard we try to manipulate it, manage it, or mask it.  Why do we spend so much time trying to control something we should just leave be? Instead of focusing on aspects of our lives we cannot control, we should be focusing on the aspects we can control.  Health is one of these aspects we have complete control over. This can be in the realm of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. It only takes a little bit of motivation and direction to accomplish any goals you may have in these realms of health! Over the next few months we will discuss each of these different aspects.  To begin we will discuss physical health!

I’m sure nearly every individual you have spoken with about their New Years’ Resolutions has included something about “getting in shape,” “losing weight,” “becoming more active,” “spending more time in the gym,” “getting healthy,” or any other phrase that could indicate their pursuit of improving physical well-being. This is fantastic if they have already stated they are looking to improve these aspects of their lives! That is the first step. The next step is to actually DO SOMETHING about it. Whether it comes in the form of joining a gym, buying exercise equipment, creating a game plan for outdoor activities (walking, swimming, biking, hiking, jogging, etc), or seeking improved nutrition through research or nutritionists you can get started on the right foot. If you need some guidance please refer to our May 2017 blog!

Almost 75% of the completion of any goal comes for the preparation and being in the right mind set while the remaining 25% comes from actually executing the plan of action. Prepare with a few steps:

  1. Write down your goals with the most achievable to be accomplished first to begin a snowball effect.

  2. Find an accountability partner (someone with similar goals to allow you to help build off one another). If you don’t have one person in mind with similar goals then join a gym (Reclaim and Cook Performance in our area of Southeastern Indiana) or consult with a health coach. This will keep your motivation driven towards your goals.  As humans, we accomplish more in numbers than as individuals.

  1. Determine your baselines. If you want to lose weight, increase endurance, build muscle mass, move more weight, or anything else you have to see where you stand at the beginning. So get a body scan, time yourself running a mile, perform max lifts. If you don’t know where you are right now, you will have no clue where you need to go.

  2. Set aside 30-40 minutes for 3-4 days each week for the first month to start performing the tasks with your accountability partner. These activities include lifting together, walking together, meal prepping together, etc. No matter what you do, do it with a purpose. Don’t go half-way and with poor form because this can lead to injury and setbacks. Build the foundation first then build from there. 

  1. Build this to 40-60 minutes 5 days each week for the following 3-4 months. In the realm of meal prepping, this can be a Sunday evening filling with cooking a storage containers with friends and family. Not only is it good for the body, it can be good for the soul to bond with others.

  2. In the case of a setback from injury, work schedules, kids schedules, or any other excuse then readjust to where you can functionally approach each goal. Restructure your schedule. Make time for yourself. Sometimes it is okay to be a little selfish with your time when you are looking to accomplish health and wellness! Remember, time isn’t something you can speed up or slow down. We have a finite amount, so make the most of it.

  3. If you are injured, seek conservative care through either Chiropractic, acupuncture, therapeutic measures, or rehabilitative exercises first because most musculoskeletal injuries will heal with time and can be accelerated with proper care.  For instance, most sprain/strain injuries take roughly 4-10 weeks to heal completely depending on severity and treatment. In our office, we have just implemented a therapeutic laser (K-LASER CUBE) which enables a quickened healing response. Learn more here!

  1. Optimize your body’s capacity to perform, heal, and function through Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and functional nutrition to create an environment in your body where the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, immune system, and all other body systems will operating on all cylinders!

  1. Always keep pushing forward because life and time will always find a way to provide resistance. If you give in a little bit, you will create a mountain to climb to regain lost ground, and ultimately will reduce your ability to accomplish your health goals.

The great thing about working to accomplish physical goals is there are no age requirements or restrictions. Anyone and everyone can work to improve this aspect of their life at any point in time. Others may have a more difficult road to hoe because of underlying conditions, sedentary lifestyle, poor habits, or chronic disease, but this does not make their goals any less achievable.

Stay tuned in February for Mental Health!


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No matter your season of life, we're here to help you take control of your health. Wellness is a step away.

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