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Seasonal Illness: Fall/Winter Edition

Writer: The Wallpe Chiropractic & Wellness TeamThe Wallpe Chiropractic & Wellness Team

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

It has been a while since our last blog! A lot has happened in the last couple months with a move to our new office in Batesville along with other life changes with more to come in the future I am sure.

Winter is coming…

Today’s topic of discussion mainly revolves around the “season” we have entered… FLU SEASON.  I say this with a bit of sarcasm due to the fact there truly is not a season where you can only get the flu or any other illness. We are exposed to multiple strains of flu viruses and organisms which can create disease throughout the year 24/7, 365. Ultimately, this time of year we become most susceptible to transmittable diseases such as influenza. We are not limited to just the flu though. Higher diagnoses of RSV/Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, Croup, Common Cold, Norovirus, Strep Throat, and Otitis Media (inner ear infections) are seen through these next few months.  Fortunately, the higher rates of these highly treatable and preventable illnesses does not mean we are all doomed. There are ways you can improve your body’s functional capacity to heal and enhance your immune reactivity in order to reduce your risk of becoming ill during these next few months.

The first things we need to acknowledge is most illnesses develop symptoms and thrive after failure of the immune system to properly attack and defeat the invading organism (virus, bacteria, fungus, etc).  So logically, we should enhance our immune capabilities through adequate diet, sleep, and exercise. Add in proper preventative healthcare measures, and you will exponentially reduce your risk of illness. Let’s dig a little deeper.


  1. Foods higher in antioxidants such as berries and citrus fruits help to neutralize free radicals, which can weaken immune system function

  2. Whole foods that are higher in nutritional density. Lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, and reduced carbohydrates.  Corn and potatoes are starches not vegetables. Potatoes do have some nutritional value, but corn is basically useless. Please eat vegetables and fruits at a 2 vegetables:1 fruit ratio.

  3. Avoid really anything that comes processed in a bag or a box.

  4. Elderberry. Check this out for more information on benefits and uses!

  5. Supplementation with Vitamin D3 (if warranted), Vitamin C, Omega-3 fatty acids, Probiotics, Echinacea, and Beta-Glucan (with moderate-intense aerobic exercise).

  6. Keeping your gut flora in proper balance will do so much more for your immune health than it even does for digestive health. Proper nutrient absorption starts with good gut health.

  7. REMEMBER! Food will either help your body fight disease or it will help to feed the disease.


  1. This is easy. You need to recover and sleep is the greatest way for the human body to essentially reset. Adequate. restful sleep somewhere from 7-9 hours each night can help to regulate and improve your body’s physiology to heal and combat dysfunction.


  1. MOVE! 45-50 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 4-5 days a week can do wonders to improve your body’s functional capacity to heal and fight disease. This coupled with supplementing Beta-Glucan can reduce exercise-induced immune suppression.


  1. Specific Chiropractic care can be helpful to reduce inflammation to the central nervous system and enhance functional capabilities of the immune system.

  2. Acupuncture is also helpful in not only boosting the immune system, but also in treating symptoms and conditions associated with illness.

  3. Some people swear by the flu shot and others believe it is poison. Personally, if you boost your natural immunity and live healthier you have no need for the flu vaccination. The flu vaccine at best is a guess as to which strain will be most prevalent. Also, it is not anywhere near 100% effective. In reality, it floats around a 35-40% rate. This means that the vaccine itself was only 1/3 of the time effective in reducing medical treatment for the flu. That’s an utterly abysmal percentage. Basically, if you receive the flu shot you are still more likely to become ill and need to seek medical attention. Only with the flu shot you have exposed your body to more toxic chemicals.

  4. If you have a virus, PLEASE DON’T TAKE AN ANTIBIOTIC! Antibiotics are meant for acute bacterial infections. They can destroy normal flora in the digestive tract if taken inappropriately. This will reduce your natural immune response over time and reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Remember that true health and wellness does not happen in a healthcare facility. It occurs with every action, movement, and choice you make with your lifestyle. So from now until Easter pay attention to what is going into your body. Maybe skip seconds of the the carb-heavy meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Pay attention to how much sleep you are getting. Make the attempt to exercise 4 days a week. And for the love of your body, GET ADJUSTED!


Take a step toward wellness.

No matter your season of life, we're here to help you take control of your health. Wellness is a step away.

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